Having a healthy savings amount is really an important element towards one's goal of financial independence. Hence, be it saving up before investing or just saving up in general, I would always try to optimise my savings strategies on how to save and where to save it. How to save efficiently As we all know, there are two inputs to savings: our income and expenses. Unlike income where it is difficult for me to influence, it is relatively easier for me to control my expenses to increase my savings. The goal here is to track and reduce my expenses as much as possible to drive the amount I save up. To track expenses, there are generally two methods that I use which are daily and monthly trackings. Daily tracking Firstly, I use an app called 'Money Manager' to manage my daily expenses. Whenever I make a transaction, I would record it accordingly in the app. It can be quite tedious at the start but does get easier over time as the habit...
Some coffee-time reads, sharing perspectives on the journey towards financial independence